Conquering the Complicated

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Nursing school is information OVERLOAD! There is so much information that will be given to you in the classroom. How do you even begin to understand the complicated disease processes, remember signs and symptoms, and anticipate treatment plans? I have the answer for you…

PATHO! Yes, everyone’s favorite class. It is my favorite (not kidding) because if you know the patho behind what is going on in the disease process, everything else makes sense. Understanding pathophysiology allows you to:

  • Understand signs and symptoms
  • Intervene with the appropriate nursing actions
  • Anticipate orders from the provider
  • Recognize signs that treatment is or is not working
  • Offer education to your patients

You will know all of those things if you understand what is happening at the cellular level. it goes like this:

If I understand what happens at the cellular level -> I understand what happens to damaged organs -> I know what manifestations will be apparent in my patient

Let’s break down an example: Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones)

  1. Ask yourself what the overall problem is. Here, there is a sone stuck in the ureter.
  2. What is happening at the cellular level? The stone is sharp and is damaging the lining of the ureter. This will lead to inflammation, pain and spasms of the ureter
  3. What do you expect to see?
    • Flank pain, abdominal pain, groin pain
    • Hematuria
    • Nausea/Vomiting
    • Tachycardia (in response to pain)
  4. What orders to you expect?
    • Pain control
    • Nausea control
    • IV fluids
    • CT scan of abdomen and pelvis
    • Urinalysis
    • CBC
    • CMP
  5. What are the potential implications of a kidney stone?
    • If it is impassable, kidney damage will develop from urine backing up into the kidney
    • Renal failure could occur
    • Infection can occur
    • Fluid and electrolyte imbalances from damaged kidney
  6. How do I know my treatment is working?
    • The patient makes urine in response to fluids and can void
    • Pain is controlled
    • Nausea is controlled
    • Vital signs return to baseline

See how we just broke that down using the patho behind the problem? Once you know your patho, everything else will more easily fall into place. This is how we will break down disease processes together.

Are you overwhelmed? That’s normal and okay! I will help guide you through these topics and be successful on your exams!

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